This is a quite common Interview question - “How To find the First and Last Days Of a Month”. There are Multiple methods to achieve this.
A. To find out the First Day of the current Month:
In Order to find out the first day of the current month, we will use the following query :
Select Convert(varchar,DateAdd(d,-day(GetDate())+1, GetDate( ) ) ,101) 'First Day'
As discussed in the Earlier Articles, GetDate() returns the current date and time
Select GetDate() 'Current Date'
From this Current Date, I have extracted the Day, using the function DAY().
Select Day(GetDate()) 'Day'
Now, In order to find the first day of the month, we have to subtract (the Current day –1) days, i.e. (24-1) days, from the current date. For this, DateADD() has been used.
As discussed Earlier, The Dateadd() function contains three arguments - Datepart,Integer and Date. Here,
Datepart is ‘d’ which represents days Integer is -day(GetDate())+1 i.e.-24+1 Date is The Current Date
On clubbing all the above functions, the final query is..
Select DateAdd(d,-day(GetDate())+1,GetDate()) 'First Day'
In order to convert the output into mm/dd/yyyy format,we can use the Convert() function.
Select Convert(Varchar,DateAdd(d,-day(GetDate())+1, GetDate()), 101) 'First Day'
B. To find out the Last Day of the current Month:
The Query to find out the Last day of the month is :
Select DateAdd(d,-Day(GetDate()),DateAdd(m,1,GetDate())) 'Last Day'
Here, moved a month ahead from the Current date and then subtracted the Current day, to get the last day of the Current month.
Select DateAdd(m,1,GetDate()) 'Next Month'
From this, Current day of the month has been subtracted, using DateAdd() function.
Datepart is ‘d’ which represents days Integer is -day(GetDate()) i.e.-24 Date is DateAdd(m,1,GetDate()), Next Month’s Date
The final Query is:
Select DateAdd(d,-Day(GetDate()),DateAdd(m,1,GetDate())) 'Last Day'
Again, on converting the output into mm/dd/yyyy format,
Select Convert(Varchar,DateAdd(d,-Day(GetDate()),DateAdd(m,1,GetDate())), 103) 'Last Day'
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